


职位: 副院长/机械设计及表面科学教研室主任


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1.       Jianjun Chen⛎*, Chaojie Wu, Jiacong Ying. Application of Extended Finite Element Method for Studying Crack Propagation of Welded Strip Steel in the Cold Rolling Process. MATERIALS, 2023,16(17) 5870

2.       Changdong Yin, Dongdong Ye, Zhou Xu, Jianjun Chenﷺ et al. Experimental and Modeling Analysis of Hydrogen Motion Behavior in Welding Zone of 2.25Cr–1Mo–0.25V Steel Welded Joint with Hydrogen Corrosion. Metals and Materials International. 2023, 29(8): 22422256  

3.       Dongdong Ye, Zhou Xu, Changdong Yin, Yiwen Wu, Jianjun Chen💖, et al. Study on the Influence of Grain Size and Microstructure on the Mechanical Properties of Fe-6.5 wt%Si High Silicon Steel Prepared by CVD Method. Crystals 2022, 12(10): 1470

4.       Ye DD, Yin CD, Xu Z, Chen JJ📖, Wu YW, Pan JB, Zeng GL, Xu HC, Li R. Feasibility of using ultrasonic-based prediction for hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of high-strength heat-resistant steel 2.25Cr-1Mo-0.25V. Measurement. 2022, 196(6): 111162  

5.       Li Xiang, Chen Jianjun🅠*, Zhou Dingshan, Gu Qingdong. A modified biogeography-based optimization algorithm based on cloud theory for optimizing a fuzzy PID controller. Optimal Control Applications and Methods. 2022, 43(3): 722-739  

6.       Li C, Sun Q, Tang C L, Lu Y B, Song H J, Chen J J﷽, Qin Z H, A two-steps method to prepare silver nanoparticle ink for improving electrical and mechanical properties of printed silver wire. Materials Express. 2021,11(4): 516-523  

7.       Jianjun Chen♕*, Weijie Yuan, Wenhao Wu, Cheng Yang. Numerical simulation of wrinkling behavior for the tin plate. Procedia Manufacturing. 2020,50(10): 429-432

8.       Changdong Yin, Jianjun Chen♔*, Dongdong Ye, Zhou Xu, Jiahao Ge and Haiting Zhou. Hydrogen Concentration Distribution in 2.25Cr-1Mo-0.25V Steel under the Electrochemical Hydrogen Charging and Its Influence on the Mechanical Properties. Materials. 2020,13(10): 2263-2277

9.       Zhou Xu, Dongdong Ye, Jianjun Chenඣ*, and Haiting Zhou. Novel Terahertz Nondestructive Method for Measuring the Thickness of Thin Oxide Scale Using Different Hybrid Machine Learning Models. Coatings. 2020,10(9): 805-819

10.    Sun Quan, Lu Yebo, Chen Jianjun🌳. Identification of material parameters of a shear modified GTN damage model by small punch test. International Journal of Fracture. 2020, 222(1-2): 25-35

11.    Zhou Haiting, Ye Dongdong, Chen Jianjun🍒, Wang Qiang, Fan Xinwei. Discussion on the characterisation of hydrogen embrittlement based on eddy current signals Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 2020, 62(1): 11-14

12.    H. T. Zhou, C. Xu, Q. M. Wang, H. L. Pan, J. J. Chen▨. Characterization of hydrogen embrittlement in 2.25Cr-1Mo-0.25V steel by eddy current method. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 2018, 29(4): 212-220  

13.    D.Q. Zan, Q. Sun H L Pan, J.J. Chen🍸, and Z.D. Wang. Application of the cohesive zone model for analysing the edge crack propagation of steel sheet in the cold rolling process. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2017,40(6): 869-881  

14.    Quan Sun, Daqian Zan, Jianjun Chen꧋*, Hongliang Pan, Analysis of edge crack behavior of steel sheet in multi-pass cold rolling based on a shear modified GTN damage model. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2015, 80:259-266.  

15.    Yuxi Yan, Quan Sun, Jianjun Chen🅺*, Hongliang Pan. Effect of Processing Parameters on Edge Cracking in Cold Rolling. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 2015, 30: 1174-1178   

16.    Quan Sun, Jianjun Chen⛄*, Hongliang Pan. Prediction of edge crack in cold rolling of silicon steel strip based on an extended Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman damage model. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 2015, 137: 021003-1:6  

17.    Jianjun Chen𒁏, Yuxi Yan, Quan Sun, Hongliang Pan. Study on fracture behavior of steel strip under cold rolling forming process based on gtn damage model. Advanced Materials Research. 2013, 779-780:126-129.

18.    Jianjun Chen⛦*, Hongliang Pan. Stress intensity factor of semi-elliptical surface crack in a cylinder with hoop wrapped composite layer. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 2013, 110, 77-81

19.    Yuxi Yan, Quan Sun, Jianjun Chen🦄*, Hongliang Pan*. The initiation and propagation of edge cracks of silicon steel during tandem cold rolling process based on the Gurson–Tvergaard–Needleman damage model. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2013, 213(4): 598-605  

20.    Chao Ren, Jianjun Chenꦡ, Hongliang Pan, Xin Huang, Hefan Zhu. Wear mechanism of PA6 roller used in cold rolling process. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2013,28(3): 311–317

网页发布时间: 2019-06-03
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